MPF System
- Background
- Types of MPF Schemes
- MPF Coverage
- Enrolment and Termination
- Mandatory Contributions
- Voluntary Contributions / Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions
- MPF Tax Matters
- MPF Account Management
- Withdrawal of MPF
- Arrangements for Offsetting Long Service Payment and Severance Payment
- Anniversaries of MPF System
- MPF Investment
- Supervision
- Enforcement
- eMPF Platform

eMPF Platform
eMPF Platform
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- Homepage
- eMPF Platform
- eMPF Platform
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The eMPF Platform is a central and integrated electronic platform to standardize, streamline and automate MPF scheme administration work, with a view to enhancing operational efficiency, reducing administration costs and providing one-stop hassle-free user experience for scheme members and employers. Savings in administration costs will benefit scheme members directly through fee reduction. The software and hardware development, system maintenance and initial operation of the eMPF Platform are funded by the Government.
The eMPF Platform is built and operated on a non-profit basis by eMPF Platform Company Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of MPFA established pursuant to section 6DA of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance.
Please visit the eMPF Platform website for more information.