MPF System
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Appeal Boards
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Occupational Retirement Schemes Appeal Board (ORSAB)
The ORSAB is in charge of determining appeals against the following decisions of MPFA:
- refusal of an application for registration or an exemption certificate
- cancellation of the registration of a registered scheme
- withdrawal of the exemption certificate of an exempted scheme
- imposition, amendment or revocation of conditions for a registered scheme
- imposition, amendment or revocation of conditions for an exempted scheme
An appeal must be made within two months after the date on which MPFA gives a written notice of the above decisions.
Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Appeal Board
The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Appeal Board is in charge of determining appeals against the following decisions of MPFA:
- refusal of an application for an exemption certificate
- refusal of an application to withdraw an exemption certificate
- withdrawal of an exemption certificate
An appeal must be made within two months after the date on which MPFA gives a written notice of the above decisions.