MPF System
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- Withdrawal of MPF
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MPF Intermediaries
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MPFA’s roles and policies on handling complaints
Case handling procedures
Cases involving suspected breaches of performance requirements
Under the statutory regime which has come into effect from 1 November 2012, frontline regulators (FRs) will be responsible for the day-to-day supervision as well as the investigation of complaints made against registered MPF intermediaries (MPFIs) who are also their regulatees. MPFA will decide if there is enough evidence to justify a disciplinary order.
Appeals against MPFA’s disciplinary decisions against MPFIs will be handled by a statutory and independent body, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Appeal Board.
The disciplinary process is outlined below:
Cases involving unregistered regulated activities
For a case which involves unregistered regulated activities, MPFA may exercise its powers under the MPFSO to investigate the matter or nominate the relevant FRs to investigate the matter. If the investigation result shows that there is sufficient evidence to substantiate an unregistered regulated activity, MPFA will refer the case to the Department of Justice for consideration to initiate a criminal prosecution.