Information Centre
Principal Intermediary Annual Return Form (Form Annual Return – PI)
It means an MPF scheme involved when your company (including those subsidiary intermediaries attached to your company) carried on regulated activities during the reporting period, was first-time involved during that reporting period.
If an MPF scheme was first-time involved many years ago, and then no matter whether the MPF scheme continued to be involved or was no longer involved until the reporting period, your company should state “No” because the MPF scheme was indeed not first-time involved.
The Dates refer to the start date and end date of an actual review exercise but not the start date and end date of the whole period covered by the review.
For example, some companies might conduct, say, a half-yearly review covering the first 6 months from January 2014 to June 2014 and the review lasted for 10 days from 2 to 11 July 2014, then they should fill in 02/07/14 as the Start Date and 11/07/14 as the End Date, but not 01/01/14 and 30/06/14 as the Start Date and End Date respectively.
Subsidiary Intermediary Annual Return Form (Form Annual Return – SI)