Information Centre
Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution
(a) Holders of contribution accounts or personal accounts of MPF schemes; or
(b) Members of MPF Exempted ORSO Schemes.
You can open a TVC account and make contributions directly to the account. You can then enjoy tax deduction under salaries tax or tax under personal assessment for your TVC.
The maximum tax deduction amount per year (i.e. from 1 April to 31 March of the following year) is $60,000 which is an aggregate limit for TVC and qualifying deferred annuity policies premiums.
If you have more than one TVC account, the maximum tax deduction amount applies to the total amount of contributions of all of your TVC accounts.
To facilitate your filing of tax return, MPF trustee will provide a TVC contribution summary to you each year.
You can transfer all balance in a TVC account to another TVC account under a different scheme at any time.
If you wish to transfer the balance in a TVC account to another MPF scheme, all you need to do is to fill in the "Scheme Member's Request for Transfer of TVC" (Form MPF(S)-P(T)) and then send it to your new scheme trustee. The form can be obtained from your trustee or downloaded here.
To meet the purpose of encouraging extra savings for retirement, TVC will be subject to preservation requirements. You can only withdraw TVC account balance upon reaching 65 years of age, or on other statutory grounds. Contributions exceeding the tax deduction cap cannot be withdrawn early either.
Withdrawal arrangement of TVC is the same as that of other MPF contributions. You should submit the completed claim form to your MPF trustee and provide the supporting documents required.