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"JJ Five" Band helps MPF scheme members choose appropriate MPF investment portfolio

At the launch ceremony of the MPF Investment Education Campaign today (20 May 2007), the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) introduced the "JJ Five" Band to the public. Members of the "JJ Five" Band are five cartoon characters whose mission is to introduce the five types of MPF funds to the public through a lively and interesting approach. They will explain the characteristics and risk levels of each type of funds to assist MPF scheme members in particular to better understand the unique features of each fund so that they can map out an investment portfolio that best suits their needs.

Speaking at today's ceremony, the Chairman of the MPFA, Hon. Henry Fan Hung-ling called on MPF scheme members to better manage their MPF investment through regular reviews.

Mr Fan, accompanied by MPFA Managing Director Mrs Diana Chan and special guest Mr Chan Wing-luk, officiated at the ceremony.

Members of the "JJ Five" Band are as follows:
Name of character Funds that it represent Characteristics of this type of Funds
Kam Ka Po Capital Preservation Funds Earns interests slowly.
Kam Ka Ching Guaranteed Funds With guaranteed returns; need to take note of the terms and conditions.
Kam Ka Pong Bond Funds Earn stable returns.
Kam Ka Kwan Mixed Assets Funds The risk levels depend on the proportion of equity and bonds.
Kam Ka Chun Equity Funds High potential returns, but with relatively high risk, too.

The "JJ Five" Band will take part in a series of promotion initiatives, including TV Commercials, radio programmes, a thematic website and an investment booklet. The radio programmes on Commercial Radio have started since 14 May 2007.

In coming months, the "JJ Five" Band will participate in a series of district tours to disseminate MPF messages throughout the territory.

Ends/ Sunday, 20 May 2007