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- Regulatory Framework for MPF Intermediaries Endorsed
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Regulatory Framework for MPF Intermediaries Endorsed
The Management Board of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) today (Thursday) endorsed in principle the regulatory framework for MPF intermediaries and laid down an examination syllabus for the regulatory purpose. The Code on MPF Investment Funds was also endorsed in principle.
MPFA Chairman Hon. Charles Lee Yeh-kwong said, "The MPF System is established for the workforce's retirement protection. It is important to ensure that MPF intermediaries are effectively and prudently regulated. While this will involve other financial regulators, the MPFA as the statutory body responsible for the regulation and promotion of MPF schemes will play the role as the lead regulator and co-ordinator in the regulation of MPF intermediaries. We will establish an MPF Intermediaries Regulation Co-ordinating Committee to co-ordinate the regulatory work of the various financial regulators."
Under the proposed framework, MPF schemes can only be marketed by intermediaries qualified under one or more of the three regulatory regimes, namely the Securities and Futures Commission, the Insurance Authority and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. In addition, all MPF intermediaries must pass an MPF examination recognised by the MPFA.
Mr. Lee also pointed out that the MPFA had issued a consultation paper to the retirement schemes industry to invite comments on the proposed framework. The MPFA will take into consideration their views before finalising the details of the regulatory framework.
Mr. Lee said, "The MPFA will issue 'identity cards' to qualified MPF intermediaries. The MPFA will also maintain a register of qualified MPF intermediaries containing their particulars. The register, when ready, will be available for public inspection at the MPFA's office and on its future homepage. Enquiry hotlines will also be set up to handle enquiries."
The Code on MPF Investment Funds comprises three main parts covering requirements on constituent funds, approved pooled investment funds (APIFs) which are unit trusts and APIFs which are insurance policies. The ode will be issued to the industry once finalised.
Separately, the Hong Kong Independent Advertising Agencies Association has completed the design of the MPFA logo, which reflects the mission of the MPFA in assisting retirees to enjoy a secure and full life. Note: The Syllabus for Examination Paper for MPF Intermediaries is attached at the Annex.
– Ends –
15 April 1999
Syllabus for Examination Paper for MPF Intermediaries
I. Introduction on MPF
i. Need for Retirement Protection
A. Ageing Population
B. Current Retirement Protection
C. Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance
ii. Why MPF?
A. World Bank Report "Averting the Old-Age Crisis"
B. Three Pillars for Old Age Protection
C. Advantages of Mandatory Provident Fund
II. Key Features of MPF
iii.Exempt Persons
iv.Types of MPF Schemes
ix.Withdrawal of Benefits
x.Offsetting of Long Service Payments/Severance Payments
xi.Major Obligations of Employers
III. Regulatory Framework under MPFSO
i.Trust Arrangement
A.Concept of Trust
B.Fiduciary Duty of Trustees
C.Recourse Against Trustees
ii.Approval of Trustees
iii.Registration of Schemes
iv.Approval of Investment Products
v.On-going Monitoring
vi.Sanctions and Penalties
vii.Various Levels of Protection
A.Capital Adequacy
B.Performance Guarantee
C.Professional Indemnity Insurance
D.Compensation Fund
viii.Functions of Trustees and Other Service Providers
IV. Interface Arrangements for ORSO Schemes and MPF System
i.Types of ORSO Schemes
ii.Exemption Criteria
A.Exemption Criteria for ORSO Exempted Schemes
B.Exemption Criteria for Relevant ORSO Registered Schemes
C.Exemption Criteria for ORSO Registered Schemes which are not Relevant ORSO Registered Schemes
iii. Options Available to Employers with Existing ORSO Schemes and Their Respective Obligations under Each Option
iv.Impact on Existing and New Employees
v.Guide to Exemption Procedures
V. Basic Concepts of Investment
i.Different Types of Financial Instruments
e.g. Money Market Instruments, Bonds, Equities, Derivatives, Unit Trusts & Mutual Funds, Insurance Policies, etc.
ii.Different Types of Investment Funds
e.g. Money Market, Bond, Equity, Growth, Balanced, etc.
iii.Evaluation of Performance Results
A.Investment Risk
B.Rates of Return
iv.Selection of Funds
A.Life Cycle
B.Economic Cycle
C.Investment Strategy
VI. MPF Schemes and Investment
i.MPF Schemes
ii.Constituent Funds
iii.Approved Pooled Investment Funds
A.Unit Trusts
B.Insurance Policies
iv.Types of Funds
A.Capital Preservation Funds
B.Other Types of Funds
v.Statement of Investment Policy
vi.Investment Standards and Restrictions
vii.Switching between Constituent Funds
VII. Role of Other Regulators under MPF System
i.Securities and Futures Commission
ii.Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
iii.Hong Kong Monetary Authority
VIII. Codes, Guidelines and Other Relevant Legislation
i.Codes and Guidelines
A.Code on MPF Investment Funds
B.SFC Code on MPF Products
C.Other Relevant Codes
e.g. SFC's Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds SFC's Code on Pooled Retirement Funds
ii.Other Relevant Legislation
A.Securities Ordinance
B.Protection of Investors Ordinance
C.Insurance Companies Ordinance
D.Banking Ordinance
IX. MPF Intermediaries
i.Regulatory Framework
ii.Licensing Requirements
A.Fit and Proper Criteria
B.Basic and Additional Requirements
iii.Responsibilities of Intermediaries
A.Understand Clients' Needs
B.Proper Investment Advice
C.Disclosure and Other Responsibilities
D.Sanctions and Penalties
iv.Codes of Conduct
A.MPFA's Code of Conduct for MPF Intermediaries
B.SFC's Codes of Conduct
e.g. Code of Conduct for Persons registered with the SFC
C.Codes of Conduct under Insurance Regime
e.g. HKFI's Code of Practice for the Administration of Insurance Agents