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TV programme to promote MPF
An half-hour public education programme, jointly produced by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) and the Radio Television Hong Kong, will go on air at 7 pm tomorrow (Wednesday) on the Asia Television's Home Channel.
Entitled "MPF - Protection for the Elderly", the programme will feature different scenarios to illustrate the impact of MPF on employees and employers, particularly those in the small and medium-sized enterprises. It will cover basic features of the MPF system such as coverage, types of approved MPF schemes, contribution level, accrued benefits for scheme members and the regulatory role of the MPFA.
Legislators, academics as well as representatives from employers' associations, unions and service providers will appear in the programme.
The television programme is part of the 18-month public education and publicity campaign launched by the MPFA to prepare for the implementation of the MPF system in December this year.
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22 February 2000