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- MPFA disqualified Chu Jun En Jordan as an MPF intermediary for 20 months
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MPFA disqualified Chu Jun En Jordan as an MPF intermediary for 20 months
The MPFA found that, between around August and October 2017, when CHU invited or induced a scheme member to join or become a member of an MPF scheme as well as to transfer the scheme member’s MPF benefits from an MPF scheme to another scheme, he contravened the conduct requirements of acting honestly, fairly, in the best interests of his client and with integrity under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (MPFSO)2. He also failed to comply with the internal policy and guideline of his principal intermediary3. The key facts of CHU’s misconduct are summarized as follows:
(1) CHU effected the transfer without the scheme member’s authorization by misleading the scheme member to sign transfer forms under the pretence that the forms were for the purpose of completing a questionnaire; and
(2) CHU instructed a third party to impersonate the scheme member in calling an MPF trustee to obtain the scheme member’s account information.
In deciding the disciplinary sanction, the MPFA took into account all relevant circumstances, including the nature, seriousness and impact of CHU’s breaches and that he has no previous disciplinary record with the MPFA.
The case was referred to the MPFA following an investigation by the Insurance Authority.
A copy of the Statement of Disciplinary Action is available here.
– Ends –
31 May 2023
1. CHU (MPF Registration No. 123199) was a subsidiary intermediary attached to AIA International Limited between 29 August 2017 and 1 February 2018. Afterwards, CHU was attached to another principal intermediary until he was de-registered as a subsidiary intermediary on 18 March 2019.
2. Section 34ZL(1)(a) of the MPFSO.
3. A principal intermediary is a business entity registered by the MPFA to engage in conducting MPF sales and marketing activities and giving regulated advice.