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The latest issue of the MPFA Newsletter explains the details of the Default Investment Strategy

The Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) System has been in operation for 15 years and the System will continue to be refined and reformed. The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) today (28 December) published the latest issue of the MPFA Newsletter, which explains the details of one of the key reforms of the System─the introduction of the Default Investment Strategy (DIS). The Newsletter highlights the features of the DIS, its investment principles, the fee controls, and the related investment and transitional arrangements.
MPF Feature introduces the MPFA’s new book Towards Retirement Security, which was published to mark the 15th anniversary of the System. The article MPF Data provides an annual review of scheme members’ MPF assets. Also in this issue is an introduction to the MPFA newly launched retirement planning mobile application and a feature on the MPFA’s first Good MPF Employer Award presentation ceremony.
Published once every quarter, the MPFA Newsletter provides updates on the MPF System and the MPFA, and offers tips for scheme members on how to manage their MPF. All issues of the MPFA Newsletter are available on the MPFA website. 

The latest issue of the MPFA Newsletter highlights the key features of the DIS.
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28 December 2015