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Students attend MPFA workshop on financial planning

The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) organized a workshop on Saturday (13 November 2004) to educate secondary school students and teachers on the concept of financial planning, and to enhance their understanding on the importance of the MPF System and life-long financial planning.  Response to the workshop was overwhelming, with more than 400 attendees.

Speaking at the workshop, Assistant Professor of Hong Kong Baptist University's Department of Finance and Decision Sciences, Dr Billy Mak Shui-choy, explained to participants the concept of financial planning and how to make personal and family financial plans.  Senior Manager of the MPFA, Mr Hessler Lee, also spoke on the MPF System and features of different MPF funds.

Participating students and teachers generally believed that the workshop has enriched their knowledge on financial planning.  They also learned from the workshop that MPF is a long-term investment, and they should start early for better retirement protection.

The students and teachers came from over 60 secondary schools.  All of them have been enrolled to an Inter-school Financial Planning Competition jointly organized by the MPFA, Education and Manpower Bureau, Committee on Home-School Co-operation and ET Business College.  The Competition aims to cultivate students’ knowledge on financial planning and the MPF System, and encourage them to better plan for their future.

To join the Competition, students are required to propose an investment and retirement plan based on a simulated case.  Response to the Competition has been enthusiastic, and over 170 teams have been enrolled.  Eight teams will be selected to present their plans to a judging panel which will decide the winning entries.

End/Sunday, November 14, 2004