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- Concerted efforts to drive digital transformation of MPF
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Concerted efforts to drive digital transformation of MPF
Co-organized by the MPFA and the Environmental Protection Department (EPD), the “MPF e-Tools Experience Day” is held today and tomorrow (26 and 27 November) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. This two-day event aims to promote the use of MPF electronic tools which facilitates businesses to handle MPF administration work in a more convenient and efficient manner. The MPFA also took the opportunity to introduce the latest development progress and features of the eMPF Platform with a view to promoting digital transformation to companies.
MPFA Deputy Chairman and Managing Director Ms Alice Law, who officiated the opening of the MPF Pavilion, said, “Handling MPF electronically will help employers save enormous amount of time and manpower, reduce repetitive work processes, enhance efficiency, and avoid surcharges due to missing/ incorrect information or late contributions. We encourage employers and human resources practitioners who are still using traditional methods to handle MPF to switch to digital tools and services, such as online systems or software provided by trustees, which provide a hassle free solution.”
Ms Law pointed out that turning to digital tools to handle MPF administration also helps reduce paper consumption, thus protecting the environment. In 2018, MPF trustees used up to 70 million pieces of paper for various materials for communicating with scheme members, which was equivalent to cutting down about 8,000 trees.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Acting Deputy Director of Environmental Protection, Dr Samuel Chui, said that EPD fully supported the eMPF Platform. The Platform will automate and digitalize MPF administration with a view to enhancing efficiency and user experience as well as leading businesses to adopt paperless solution and reducing paper consumption in office. Apart from avoiding unnecessary waste of resources and saving operational costs, it will also create an environmental-friendly corporate image.
The “MPF e-Tools Experience Day” is staged in the MPF Pavilion set up within the exhibition area at the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) Annual Conference and Exhibition 2019 located in Hall 5F, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 26 to 27 November. Concurrently, the MPFA will host two sharing sessions to introduce the benefits of handling MPF administration work electronically, the key features and latest developments of the eMPF Platform. Admission is free. For more details, please visit the MPFA website.
The “MPF e-Tools Experience Day” is co-organized by the MPFA and EPD, with support from the HKIHRM, the Hong Kong Trustees’ Association (HKTA), and the Pension Schemes Association (PSA). Other guests at the opening ceremony included the Chairman of the PSA, Mr K P Luk; the Vice-Chairman and Pensions & Funds Subcommittee Co-Chair of the HKTA, Ms Lau Ka-shi; and the Executive Director of the HKIHRM, Ms Teresa Lee.
Speaking at the “MPF e-Tools Experience Day”, MPFA Deputy Chairman and Managing Director Alice Law said that promoting digital transformation of the MPF System will create a win-win outcome for enterprises, employees and the environment.
Officiating at the opening ceremony of the MPF Pavilion were Dr Samuel Chui (2nd from right), Acting Deputy Director of Environmental Protection; K P Luk (2nd from left), Chairman of the Pension Schemes Association; Lau Ka-shi (1st from right), Vice-Chairman and Pensions & Funds Subcommittee Co-Chair of the Hong Kong Trustees’ Association; Teresa Lee (1st from left), Executive Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management; Alice Law (3rd from left), MPFA Deputy Chairman and Managing Director; and The Big Waster.
A large number of employers and human resources practitioners visited the MPF Pavilion to learn about various electronic tools offered by MPF trustees and the project of the eMPF Platform.
26 November 2019