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Press Releases

MPFA to fully resume normal public services next week

In view of the latest development of COVID-19 and the Government’s announcement regarding the latest public services arrangement, the MPFA will fully resume its normal public services from next Monday (14 September).  

The customer service counters of the MPFA offices situated in Kwai Chung, Kwun Tong and Sheung Wan will provide service from 8:45am to 5:45pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays). Service by appointment only via MPFA’s hotline 2918 0102.

In order to safeguard the health of members of the public and MPFA's staff, the MPFA will continue to follow the suggestions of the Centre for Health Protection by implementing social distancing and other precautionary measures, including body temperature checking and completion of a health declaration form before entering MPFA offices as well as wearing surgical masks during the visit, etc. Members of the public must strictly follow the MPFA’s infection prevention guidelines during their visit.

The MPFA urges members of the public to make enquiries through MPFA’s email or MPFA’s hotline 2918 0102 instead of visiting the MPFA offices in person. Members of the public should also use the digital services provided by their MPF trustees, as well as the digital tools provided by the MPFA, including the e-Enquiry of Personal Account (ePA) platform or its mobile app, and the one-stop MPF Fund Platform or its mobile app, to handle MPF matters. This is not only convenient and time-saving, but can also reduce social contact.

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11 September 2020