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Publications / Articles

March 2023

Make use of the MPFA’s online tools to compare MPF information

As the city returns to normal after the pandemic, many people might be making travel plans and will look for air tickets and hotels that will meet their budget and schedule on different online comparison platforms. Likewise, employees should make necessary comparisons and proactively manage their MPF during their MPF journey, which lasts for decades. The MPF Fund Platform and the Trustee Service Comparative Platform are among the online tools provided by the MPFA that can help scheme members make appropriate MPF investment decisions in accordance with their situation. 

Employees have to complete an MPF enrolment form when they start a new job and provide investment instructions to their MPF trustee. It is important for scheme members to understand the performance and relevant information of different MPF funds before they make investment decisions. At this point, the MPF Fund Platform comes into play. It not only showcases the information and performance of all MPF funds, but also provides various charts, such as the 10 Lowest 5-year Cumulative Return Funds, the 10 Highest Fund Expense Ratio Funds, the 10 Highest 5-year Cumulative Return Funds, and the 10 Lowest Fund Expense Ratio Funds, to help scheme members compare of the returns and fees of funds more easily, and manage their MPF proactively for better retirement protection. 

Another major function of the MPF Fund Platform is to provide a comparative analysis of the 5- to 10-year return of MPF funds, by showing the previous figures of various types of MPF funds in the Performance Chart. The Fund Information Table lists all the key information of MPF funds. Scheme members can use its filtering and sorting functions to select the MPF funds they want to review and compare according to their specific needs.



Apart from MPF funds, there are 13 MPF trustees in the market from which scheme members can choose. Employees can select an MPF trustee and scheme under the Employee Choice Arrangement (ECA), consolidate their personal accounts into one, and open a tax-deductible voluntary contribution (TVC) account. Scheme members can identify the most suitable MPF partner by making use of the Trustee Service Comparative Platform, which compares 11 service types, including the number of fund choices, the time required to transfer MPF benefits, and customer services, all in one go. 

The MPFA encourages scheme members to review their MPF portfolio every 6 to 12 months and to make use of these tools to achieve better results with minimal effort in their MPF investment, considering their investment target, risk-tolerance level, fund performance, etc. 


MPF Fund Platform

Trustee Service Comparative Platform