Corporate Events
Good MPF Employer Award 2021-22 Presentation Ceremony
The Good MPF Employer Award 2021-22 Presentation Ceremony cum Sharing Session on Win-win Business Transformation was held on 6 October 2022 to commend the 1,903 companies/ organizations who received the award this year. The event was officiated by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare Mr Chris Sun Yuk-han, JP and the Commissioner for Labour Ms May Chan Wing-shiu, JP. Nearly 200 guests, including the Good MPF Employer awardees, representatives of Supporting Organizations, and industry members, attended the event on site. Members of public could also view the event through the webcast.
A sharing session was held in which guest speakers shared innovative ideas about business transformation. The MPFA also interacted with both on-site ad online participants, and introduced a "win-win strategy" of MPF management, as well as the latest development progress update of the eMPF Platform.
Awardee lists
Videos of the Presentation Ceremony (in Cantonese)
Photos of Presentation Ceremony

Newspaper Supplement (Chinese Version Only)