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- MPFA Chairman interacts with Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce on MPF (10 September 2021)
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MPFA Chairman interacts with Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce on MPF (10 September 2021)
MPFA Chairman Mrs. Ayesha Lau visited the Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC) today (10 Sept) to exchange views with its leadership on the latest developments of the MPF System.
At the meeting, Mrs. Lau shared the latest development of the eMPF Platform project which is the most significant reform initiative since the inception of the MPF System. Mrs Lau added that not only would employees benefit from the cost savings resulting from the digitalization of MPF administration, but employers would also find the Platform extremely useful, greatly simplifying the MPF administrative work undertaken by businesses, in particular small-and-medium-sized enterprises.
She said that after the eMPF Platform was fully launched in 2025, employers would no longer need to rely on paper and manual processes. Overdue payments of MPF contributions and the consequential surcharges caused by inadvertent errors during manual preparation of MPF documents would become a thing of the past.