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MPFA Chairman interviewed by HK01 (24 November 2021)


MPFA Chairman Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau attended a studio interview with HK01 on the latest development of the eMPF Platform project.  The video interview was broadcasted on the social media on 24 November.


Mrs Lau highlighted the significance of the passage of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Amendment) Bill 2021 by the Legislative Council last month to the development of the eMPF Platform. She explained the benefits of the eMPF Platform to employees and employers, and how the “straight pass-on” requirement as stipulated in the Bill will create room for fee reduction which will benefit scheme members directly.


Mrs Lau illustrated the MPFA’s future direction in enhancing adequacy of the MPF System. She said that scheme members would like to have more diversified MPF investment choices but there is a need to strike a balance between returns and risks. 



View the full interview (in Chinese only):
