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MPFA Chairman exchanges with the Pension Schemes Association (10 December 2021)


MPFA Chairman Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau met with the representatives of the Pension Schemes Association (PSA) today (10 Dec), to listen to the MPF industry’s views and expectations towards the eMPF Platform project and explore how the design and operation of the Platform would cater for the needs of different stakeholders under the MPF System.




Mrs Lau stressed that the eMPF Platform project is the most important reform initiatives ever introduced therefore it is MPFA’s top priority to ensure the project is being executed on schedule. She thanked the PSA for its valuable suggestions on the eMPF Platform project. She emphasized that the success of the eMPF Platform project will count on the full support and cooperation of the MPF industry and hoped that the PSA would continue to play the important bridging role between MPFA and the pension industry for supporting the MPF System and in particular promoting the tremendous benefits to be brought about by the eMPF Platform to the scheme members.