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- MPFA Chairman meets with the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management to exchange views on MPF (19 April 2022)
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MPFA Chairman meets with the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management to exchange views on MPF (19 April 2022)
MPFA Chairman Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau met with the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) yesterday (19 Apr) via video conferencing and exchanged views with the HR professionals on matters of common concern under the MPF System.
Mrs Lau shared with the HKIHRM representatives the vision of the eMPF Platform which would standardize, streamline and automate MPF scheme administration, thereby enhancing efficiency, accuracy and user experience, including that of HR practitioners.
At the meeting, representatives from the MPFA, eMPF Platform Company and the project contractor of the Platform outlined the key functions of the Platform and demonstrated the employer user interface, and addressed the comments and questions raised by HKIHRM representatives. Mr Felix Siu, Director of MPFA’s Corporate Services Division, thanked the participants for the constructive suggestions. He called on HR practitioners to join hands with the MPFA to promote the eMPF Platform as well as to embrace the digital transformation in the HR sector.