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- Executive Director (Members) shares the New Digital Era of Hong Kong Pension System (27 Apr 2022)
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Executive Director (Members) shares the New Digital Era of Hong Kong Pension System (27 Apr 2022)
MPFA Executive Director (Members) Ms Cynthia Hui attended a plenary session of the International Actuarial Colloquium 2022 organized by the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong on 27 Apr. She shared the achievements of the MPF System including the Default Investment Strategy and the latest development of the eMPF Platform project (Project) and the benefits to be brought about by the Project to different stakeholders through digitalization of MPF scheme administration. The event has an attendance of about 300 participants from around the world.
Ms Hui said that the eMPF Platform was a one-stop common platform for all employers and MPF scheme members covering all MPF scheme administrative procedures making it a pioneer internationally in the digitalization of privately managed pension administration. She added that although there would be challenges during the digital transformation journey, MPFA is confident in overcoming all the hurdles to make the Project a success.