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Digital Transformation of the MPF System through the eMPF Platform (19 December 2022)


MPFA Acting Chief Operating Officer Ms Cynthia Hui was the keynote speaker at the Financial Planning Conference 2022, organized by the Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK), today (19 Dec), which was attended by about 250 financial experts, regulators and government officials. At the conference, she shared the latest developments of the MPF System and the eMPF Platform project, the MPFA’s latest initiatives in investment regulation and enhancing information transparency, and how the eMPF Platform would reshape the MPF ecosystem.





Ms Hui said that the launch of the eMPF Platform would foster the digital transformation of the MPF System, enhance the efficiency of MPF scheme administration and the user experience, create room for further fee reduction, and reduce the administrative burden on the industry, thereby enabling them to better utilize their resources to provide investment management and retirement planning services, which would bring substantial benefits to scheme members. She also encouraged the financial planning sector and MPF intermediaries to embrace the new digital era and seize the opportunities provided by the eMPF Platform to explore new services that would benefit scheme members and the industry.