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MPFA Managing Director talks about the eMPF Platform’s latest developments in media interviews (12 March 2025)


Recently, MPFA Managing Director Cheng Yan-chee was interviewed by Metro Radio programme “財知大道”, HOY TV programme “財智.商傳” and Sing Tao Daily, sharing the experience gained from phase one of the eMPF Platform (the eMPF) operation and the improvements being introduced in phase 2 onboarding.




View the full interview (in Chinese only):

Metro Radio - 【財知大道】積金易平台投入服務最新進展?僱主僱員要留神?|積金局行政總監鄭恩賜 專訪

HOY TV - 財智商傳|積金局行政總監鄭恩賜

Sing Tao Daily - 鄭恩賜料積金易次階段運作更暢順