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- MPFA conducts the eMPF Platform Trial Use / Demo Sessions for stakeholders from various sectors (28-31 May 2024)
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MPFA conducts the eMPF Platform Trial Use / Demo Sessions for stakeholders from various sectors (28-31 May 2024)
The eMPF Platform will commence operation at the end of June with the first MPF scheme joining the Platform. The MPFA and the project team are currently conducting the eMPF Platform Trial Use / Demo Sessions to demonstrate the interface and various functions of the Platform to stakeholders from different sectors. Feedback collected from the participants would help the MPFA optimize the design and functionalities of the Platform in the long run.
The MPFA held a series of Trial Use / Demo Sessions on 28-31 May, for representatives from various government departments and NGOs including the Civil Service Bureau, the Treasury Department, the Hospital Authority, the Equal Opportunities Commission, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service, Christian Action, International Social Service Hong Kong Branch, The Hong Kong Society for The Deaf, The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre and The Society for Community Organization etc., as well as a few financial columnists. The eMPF Platform outreach team demonstrated the functions of the employer and employee portals during the sessions.
The MPFA is grateful for their valuable feedback from the user's perspective, which will help further enhance the Platform, better meeting user needs.