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- MPFA organizes an eMPF Platform Trial Use / Demo Session for MPF intermediaries (24 June 2024)
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MPFA organizes an eMPF Platform Trial Use / Demo Session for MPF intermediaries (24 June 2024)
In preparation for the upcoming onboard of the eMPF Platform by the first MPF trustee, MPFA has been actively organizing Trial Use / Demo Sessions for various stakeholders with the eMPF outreach team. In a session held on 24 Jun, MPF intermediaries were invited to experience the new functions of the eMPF Assistant Portal and gather their feedback for further enhancing the user experience of the Platform.
Over 30 representatives from various MPF intermediaries associations were briefed on the multiple functions of the Assistant Portal of the eMPF Platform which aims to enable MPF intermediaries to continue assisting employers and scheme members in managing MPF matters and providing relevant services to their clients when the Platform commences operation. The attending organizations include the Life Underwriters’ Association (LUAHK), Professional Insurance Brokers Association (PIBA), the Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers (CIB), Hong Kong Chamber of Insurance Intermediaries (HKCII), Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK) and Insurance and Financial Planners Association under HKFLU.