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eMPF Platform – Bringing a brand new digital experience to all users (24 August 2024)


Mr Kent Yau, Director (Policy and Regulation) of MPFA, attended an MPF seminar organized by an MPF trustee and The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions on 24 August, sharing the functions and the benefits of the eMPF Platform with over a hundred working Kaifong.





Mr Yau said that the eMPF Platform is designed to standardize, streamline and automate the administration processes of MPF schemes, leading the MPF system into a new digital era. Regardless of being an employee, employer, or self-employed person, once their respective MPF schemes get onboard the Platform, they will be able to manage their MPF account through smartphones or computers. This seamless access allows users to view their MPF account information in real-time, switch fund investment portfolios, consolidate accounts, and handle MPF scheme administration of staff. Scheme members will only need one eMPF Platform account for a lifetime, providing a brand new digital experience to all users.