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MPF Symposium – The Road Ahead: Digital Transformation and Sustainable Investing (26 November 2021)
MPFA organized a symposium on 26 November 2021 to explore with the MPF industry the far reaching effect of digital transformation and sustainable investing, and the opportunities and challenges these two aspects will bring forth to MPF ecosystem and investment.
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Presentation: Hong Kong Smart City Blueprint 2.0
- Mr Victor Lam, JP, Government Chief Information Officer, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
- [Download Presentation]
Presentation: HKMA's Fintech 2025 and Digitalization Strategy
- Mr Howard Lee, JP, Deputy Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
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Presentation: Latest Development of eMPF Platform
- Ms Cynthia Hui, Executive Director (Members), MPFA
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Presentation: Sharing of Sustainable Investing Practices
- Mr James Robertson, Head of Asia (ex-China and Japan), PRI Association
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Presentation: The Management and Disclosure of Climate-related Risks by Fund Managers
- Ms Linda Yiu, Director of Intermediaries Supervision Department, Securities and Futures Commission
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Presentation: Sustainable Investing for MPF Funds
- Mr Leo Chu, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director, MPFA
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Videos of the Symposium (English version only)