Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Organization chart
MPFA is governed by its Management Board, which is assisted by supporting committees and advised by two statutory advisory committees.
The Managing Director, assisted by other Executive Directors, is responsible for executing directions from the Management Board, overseeing MPFA’s day-to-day operations, and leading various divisions/departments to monitor, manage and implement the work of MPFA.
Management Board

Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau

Hon Lam Chun-sing

Hon Bill Tang Ka-piu

Miss Queenie Fiona Lau, SC

Mr Karson Choi Ka-tsan

Mr Dominic Pang Yat-ting

Dr Levin Wang Lei

Ms Fanny Wong Lai-kwan

Mr Christopher Hui Ching-yu
GBS, JP (ex officio)

Mr Chris Sun Yuk-han
JP (ex officio)

Mr Cheng Yan-chee
Managing Director

Ms Cynthia Hui Wai-yee
Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director

Mr Wallace Lau Ka-ki
Chief Corporate Affairs Officer and Executive Director

Mr Eric Cheng Siu-fun
Executive Director (Policy)

Mr Kenneth Chan Siu-yum
Executive Director (Members and Supervision)
Supporting committees
The Administration Committee advises the Management Board on the development of human resource policies and procedures, as well as policies relating to general administration.
Mr Karson Choi Ka-tsan, BBS, JP
Hon Lam Chun-sing
Ms Fanny Wong Lai-kwan
Mr Emil Yu Chen-on, BBS, JP
Mr Cheng Yan-chee
Mr Wallace Lau Ka-ki
The Audit and Risk Committee advises the Management Board on the appointment of external auditors, oversees the implementation of the auditor's recommendations and reviews annual financial statements before submission to the Management Board.
It reviews management's reports on internal control systems and internal audit programmes, and considers major findings of internal investigations and management's responses.
It also oversees, assesses and reviews the effectiveness of MPFA's risk management framework, strategy and system, reviews the effectiveness of MPFA on managing and monitoring key risks, and reviews and advises on other risk oversight matters of MPFA and any relevant risk issues of its subsidiary.
Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau, BBS, JP
Hon Lam Chun-sing
Mr Dominic Pang Yat-tingMr Philip Tsai Wing-chung, BBS, JP
The Finance Committee examines and reviews the annual budget of MPFA, and oversees the financial position and investment of the funds of MPFA and the Compensation Fund. It also advises the Management Board on the development of financial strategies and policies.
Dr Levin Wang Lei, JP
Mr Dominic Pang Yat-ting
Ms Chow Yuen-yee
Mr Cheng Yan-chee
Mr Wallace Lau Ka-ki
The Guidelines Committee scrutinizes draft guidelines and revisions to issued guidelines related to strategic/major policies of the MPFA and/or the MPF System.
Miss Queenie Fiona Lau, SC
Mr Eric Cheng Siu-fun
Representative of the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers
Representative of the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association
Representative of the Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association
Representative of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Representative of the Hong Kong Trustees' Association Limited
Representative of the Law Society of Hong Kong
The Remuneration Committee considers the remuneration matters of the Executive Directors of MPFA. It reviews the structure and level of remuneration for directorate staff and makes recommendations to the Chief Executive of the HKSAR.
Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau, BBS, JP
Mr Karson Choi Ka-tsan, BBS, JP
Dr Levin Wang Lei, JP
The Tender Board considers the assessment of tender submissions conducted by assessment panels formed by MPFA staff. It makes recommendations on the awarding of contracts, reports to and advises the Managing Director / Management Board on matters regarding tender submissions.
Hon Bill Tang Ka-piu, BBS, JP
Dr Levin Wang Lei, JP
Mr Wallace Lau Ka-ki
An Executive Director / a Head of Division responsible for the subject procurement under consideration
The Working Group on MPF Reform Issues considers issues relating to reforms to the MPF System to make it more efficient and user-friendly, and better meet the retirement needs of the working population in Hong Kong.
Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau, BBS, JP
Hon Lam Chun-sing
Hon Bill Tang Ka-piu, BBS, JP
Miss Queenie Fiona Lau, SC
Mr Karson Choi Ka-tsan, BBS, JP
Mr Dominic Pang Yat-ting
Dr Levin Wang Lei, JP
Ms Fanny Wong Lai-kwan
Statutory advisory committees
The MPF Schemes Advisory Committee is a statutory committee established under the MPFSO to make recommendations to MPFA regarding the operation of MPFSO and the effectiveness and efficiency of MPFA.
Dr Bankee Kwan Pak-hoo, BBS, JP
(Since 1 November 2024)
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Celestial Asia Securities Holdings Limited
Deputy Chairman
Dr Billy Mak Sui-choi
(Since 1 November 2024)
Associate Professor, Department of Accountancy, Economics and Finance, Hong Kong Baptist University
Mr Lee Wing-man, MH
(Since 30 March 2019)
District Councillor (Sham Shui Po District)
Mr Emil Yu Chen-on, BBS, JP
(Since 30 March 2019)
Member, Labour Advisory Board
Ms Helen Zee
(Since 30 March 2021)
Former Investment Banker
Mr Dennis Ho Chiu-ping
(Since 30 March 2023)
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Ms Doris Lian Shaodong, MH
(Since 30 March 2023)
Chief Executive Officer, Bosera Asset Management (International) Co., Limited
Ms Janet Li Tze-yan
(Since 30 March 2023)
Chief Executive Officer, BEA Union Investment Management Limited
Mr Anthony Yau Yiu-shing, MH
(Since 30 March 2023)
District Councillor (Wong Tai Sin District);
Vice Chairman, The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions
Mr Cheng Yan-chee
(Since 10 June 2021)
Managing Director, MPFA
The MPF Industry Schemes Committee oversees the effectiveness of industry schemes and advises on ways to improve the administration and operation of the schemes.
Hon Lam Chun-sing
(Since 25 August 2022)
Member, Legislative Council
Chairman, The Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions
Mr Lam Tsin-kwok
(Since 25 August 2020)
Chairman, Eating Establishment Employees General Union
Mr Huang Yongquan
(Since 2 July 2021)
Vice Secretary General, Hong Kong and Kowloon Electrical Engineering and Appliances Trade Workers Union
Ms Cherrie Chong Wing-lum
(Since 25 August 2022)
Director, Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades Limited
Mr Franki Chan Shut-ho
(Since 25 August 2024)
Treasurer/Vice-President, Hong Kong Construction Sub-Contractors Association
Mr Samme Cheng Pak-man
(Since 25 August 2024)
First Vice-Chairman, Institute of Dining Professionals
Mr Jacky Ho Yan-ching
(Since 25 August 2024)
Chairman, Chinese & Western Food Workers Union
Mr Daniel Shum Hau-tak
(Since 25 August 2024)
Deputy Honorary Treasurer, Hong Kong Construction Association
Mr Howard Tong Ho-wai
(Since 25 August 2024)
General Affairs Secretary, Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union
Mr Adrian Li Man-kiu, BBS, JP
(Since 25 August 2006)
Co-Chief Executive, The Bank of East Asia, Limited
Mr Bob Lee Tak-luen
(Since 25 August 2020)
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, BCT Group
Mr Cheng Yan-chee
(Since 3 April 2013)
Managing Director, MPFA