MPF System
- Background
- Types of MPF Schemes
- MPF Coverage
- Enrolment and Termination
- Mandatory Contributions
- Voluntary Contributions / Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions
- MPF Tax Matters
- MPF Account Management
- Withdrawal of MPF
- Arrangements for Offsetting Long Service Payment and Severance Payment
- Anniversaries of MPF System
- MPF Investment
- Supervision
- Enforcement
- eMPF Platform

Useful Tools
- Your Position
- Homepage
- Useful Tools
- Forms
- MPF Schemes
- Request for Personal Account Information
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MPF Schemes
Request for Personal Account Information
e-Enquiry of Personal Account - Access your account information at anytime and anywhere
Scheme members may register for the e-Enquiry of Personal Account (ePA) service via the mobile application (MPFA ePA) or ePA website. To protect the personal data of scheme members, verification of identity by the MPFA is required and scheme members may choose to:
- Provide copies of his/her Hong Kong Identity Card & residential address proof of recent three months for identity verification upon online application and activate his/her account; or
- Visit one of the MPFA’s offices for identity verification by presenting his/her Hong Kong Identity Card and and activate his/her account.
Please click here for more information on ePA service.