MPF System
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Industry Schemes Employer
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Yes. Employers in the construction and catering industries can enrol both casual employees and regular employees in an Industry Scheme.
Please ensure that the casual employee provides the following information in the enrolment form:
- full name of employee;
- HKID number;
- date of birth;
- contact information (address and telephone number);
- choice of funds (if any);
- tax residency self-certification (i.e.declaration on whether the employee is a tax resident outside Hong Kong); and
- employee’s signature.
If employees fail to provide their tax residency self-certification, their trustees will not be able to complete the account opening procedures.
For details on AEOI, please visit the websites of the Hong Kong Trustee's Association and the Inland Revenue Department.
No. An employer is not required to inform the MPF trustee when a casual employee who is a member of an Industry Scheme ceases employment.
However, if you have chosen to enrol your casual employees in a Master Trust Scheme, you are required to notify the trustee of the employee's cessation of employment in writing.