Information Centre
Continuing Training
Under the Guidelines on Continuing Training for Subsidiary Intermediaries (effective on 1 January 2024), an SI is required to attend 15 hours of CPD activities between 1 January and 31 December of each calendar year of which 4 hours must be core CPD activities approved by the MPFA.
Where an individual is newly registered as an SI on or after 1 April in a calendar year, the total number of hours of CPD activities (including core and non-core CPD activities) and the number of hours of core CPD activities required in that calendar year are pro-rated as follows:
Date of registration
Total hours
Minimum hours of core CPD activities
1 January to 31 March
4 |
1 April to 30 June
12 |
4 |
1 July to 30 September
8 |
4 |
1 October to 31 December
Yes, an SI is required to comply with the CPD requirements for so long as he/she remains registered as an SI, even though he/she is not attached to any PI. This also includes any period of suspension of registration as an SI, suspension of approval of attachment to a PI, or revocation of approval of attachment to a PI.
If a subsidiary intermediary (SI) fails to complete the required training, his/her registration may be suspended. If the SI still fails to complete the training within 30 days after the start of this suspension, his/her registration will be revoked.
The SI will need to re-take and pass the MPF Intermediaries Examination if he/she wishes to be registered again.
For core subject areas, subsidiary intermediaries (SIs) must participate in core CPD activities that have obtained prior approval from MPFA. Service providers can submit the relevant course information to MPFA for approval. Please refer to the Quality Assurance Aid for MPF Core CPD Activities for details.
For non-core subjects, internal training is acceptable.