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Press Releases

Employers urged to apply for MPF exemption before May 3

Employers operating retirement schemes under the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (ORSO) are urged to discuss with their employees before deciding whether to apply for MPF exemption and inform their employees of their decisions in writing.


The deadline for making MPF exemption applications is May 3.


As the deadline is approaching, the Managing Director of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA), Mr. Alan Wong, has again written to more than 11,000 employers who operate registered ORSO schemes, urging them to observe the deadline.


In his letter, Mr. Wong called on employers to adopt an open and sincere approach to communicate and discuss with their employees in the process of making a decision on the interface arrangement between MPF and ORSO schemes.


He strongly advised employers to notify their employees in writing as to whether exemption from the MPF requirement would be sought once a decision had been made.


Employers are also reminded that any changes made to an ORSO scheme are subject to the governing rules of the scheme, the terms of the employment contract and the provisions of the Ordinance.


Later this week, the MPFA will convene a meeting with 10 major ORSO scheme administrators and will ask them to assist in relaying the same message to their clients.


The MPFA will also publicize the message on radio and television in the next few weeks, appealing to employers to consult their employees on whether they will apply for MPF exemption and reminding them of the application deadline.


In the meantime, the MPFA is taking steps to enhance its enquiry hotline service (at 2918 0102). An advanced telephone information system with 30 lines will be put in operation in April. Preparations are also well underway to make the MPFA homepage ( more user-friendly to the public.


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21 March 2000