Information Centre
ORSO Trustee
The trustee is required to submit the audited financial statements and auditor’s report in order to report the scheme’s position up to the later of the following:
- the effective date of termination of the scheme as notified to the MPFA using the “Notice of termination / winding up of a registered scheme” form; or
- the date on which all the benefits under the scheme have been paid to members or (if applicable) the date of the assets of the scheme have been transferred to another scheme.
To reap the benefits of operational efficiency and protect the environment by reducing paper usage, MPFA strongly encourages designated persons to use the eORSO Portal for submitting annual returns.
The annual return can also be sent by the designated person to The Registrar of Occupational Retirement Schemes, Level 12, Tower 1, The Millennity, 98 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong. Please note that the MPFA will not accept any underpaid mail delivered via the Hongkong Post which will return the mail item to the sender if there is a return address or dispose of the item in accordance with its procedures. To avoid unsuccessful delivery of your mail, please ensure your mail items addressed to the MPFA carry sufficient postage before posting to us.
The trustee should, when submitting the next annual return, notify the MPFA in writing about the details of the change such as the name of the new investment manager, the date of appointment, and the registration number with the Securities and Futures Commission or an overseas regulatory authority recognized by the MPFA.
If the administrator of a registered scheme becomes aware of a reportable event that occurs on or after 26 June 2020, he must within seven working days after becoming aware of the event give written notice to the MPFA setting out the particulars of the event such as the date the event occurred, case details and details of remedial action planned or taken, etc.
“Reportable event” refers to non-compliance with requirements in relation to scheme assets, members’ benefits, funding, trusteeship, investment, transfer of benefits or eligible person.
Please refer to Notification of Reportable Event by the Relevant Employer or Administrator of a Registered Scheme.
Please refer to V.12 Guidelines on MPF Exempted ORSO Schemes – Investment Managers for the list of regulatory authorities recognized by the MPFA.
Upon termination or winding up of an ORSO registered scheme (except in pursuance to a court order under section 48 of the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance), the relevant employer and designated person must give written notice to both the MPFA and each member of the scheme within 14 days of the commencement of the termination or winding up process.
For details, please refer to Termination of Scheme / Withdrawal of Exemption Certificate.
According to the legislation, a new member of MPF Exempted ORSO scheme, his/her MMB cannot be forfeited upon dismissal from employment, regardless of whether the dismissal is on grounds of misconduct, fraud or dishonesty, and may not be used in the settlement of any losses suffered by the employer or any debts owed to the employer.
For existing members, upon dismissal for cause, the trustee cannot withhold the employer’s funded portion of the existing member’s accrued benefits up to an amount equivalent to MMB.
The forfeiture clause in the scheme governing rules should also be considered.
After logging into eORSO Portal, please navigate to the “eForm Submission” page by clicking the “eForm Submission” menu item under the “AR Submission “menu item.
For details of the procedures for submission via eORSO Portal, please refer to the User Manual and User Procedures
Both Primary account users and Sub-account users can view the history of submitted documents in the eORSO Portal. After logging into the eORSO Portal, please navigate to the “Submission History” page by clicking the “Submission History” item under the “AR Submission “menu item.
For details, please refer to User Manual .