MPF System
Enrolment and Termination
Types of Document /Information
Time of Receipt
When considering joining an MPF scheme
Types of Document /Information
Time of Receipt
Scheme information document
Within 60 days after becoming an MPF scheme member
For scheme members (employees), trustees may provide the documents to their employers. The employers must give the documents to the employees within seven working days after receiving the documents |
Notice of participation
Within 30 days after the date when an applicant submits the required information for application for membership or agrees to comply with the governing rules of the scheme, whichever is the later
Types of Document /Information
Time of Receipt
Under normal circumstances, MPF trustees* must provide scheme members with the statement within three months after the end of each financial period of the MPF scheme (If trustees* provide the statements to employers, the employers must give the documents to their employees within seven working days after receiving the statements)
Together with the annual benefit statement after the end of each financial period of the MPF scheme; and within two months from the date which is six months after the end of the financial period of the MPF scheme
Other regular publications (if available)
e.g. Quarterly Benefit Statement |
To be decided by trustees
Types of Document /Information
Time of Receipt
Transfer statement (provided by the original trustee*)
Within three specified working days1 after the transfer
Transfer confirmation (provided by the new trustee*)
Within five specified working days1 after receiving the fund and fund subscription
Types of Document /Information
Time of Receipt
Written notice of different options of transfer arrangements upon cessation of employment
Within 30 days upon receipt of the notice of termination from the employer, if the scheme member has not provided any transfer instructions
Types of Document /Information
Time of Receipt
Transfer statement (provided by the original trustee*)
Within five specified working days1 after the fund transfer
Transfer confirmation (provided by the new trustee*)
If transferred to an account in the same MPF scheme, within 14 specified working days1 after receiving the fund
If transferred to an account in another MPF scheme, within 17 specified working days1 after receiving the fund |
Types of Document /Information
Time of Receipt
Written notices informing scheme members who have reached age 65 of their entitlement of MPF
Within 12 months after scheme members reaching age 65
Types of Document /Information
Time of Receipt
Benefit payment statement
Within five specified working days1 after payment
1“Specified working day” mean any day other than a public holiday, a Saturday, a gale/black rainstorm warning day.
* MPF trustees and their schemes will get onboard the eMPF Platform in sequence one by one. When the scheme has got onboard to the Platform, eMPF Company will utilize the eMPF Platform to perform the administration of the scheme, provide scheme administration services to employer, scheme member and self-employed person and handle the service instructions. From then on, employer, scheme member and self-employed person can manage your MPF on the eMPF Platform and should no longer submit service instructions to MPF trustee; the eMPF Platform will provide the relevant information and/or documents to you directly. Please visit eMPF Website (www.empf.org.hk) for the onboarding timeline of MPF scheme(s) and the relevant information.